Skill Training Programme on “Tailoring and Embroidery” organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rudrur at Suddulam Thanda tribal village of Kotagiri Mandal, Nizamabad district on 05.02.2021 and its scheduled for a period of 15 days i.e., from 05.02.201 to 19.02.2021 under Tribal Sub Plan for the year 2020-21. The programme was inaugurated by Sri M. Kishan garu, Sarpanch, Suddulam Thanda, Dr. S. Naveen Kumar, Programme Coordinator, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sri. Suman, Village Panchayat Secretary, Smt. Priyanka, Head Mister, Primary School of Suddulam thanda, Kumari Ganga Sagar, AEO, Kotagiri. All the Scientific staff of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rudrur and a total of 30 trainees participants of the Suddulam Thanda village have attended the programme. The Objective of this programme was to empower the women population especially from the deprived backgrounds with effective tailoring professional skills leading to sustainable livelihood opportunities.