On the second day of the three-day birthday celebrations of Telangana State Chief Minister Sri. K. Chandrasekhar Rao garu, the College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, celebrated the 68th birth anniversary by organising a blood donation programme at university Health centre, the first ever camp conducted post covid. The programme is graced and inaugurated by Hon. Vice Chancellor, Dr. V. Praveen Rao, addressed the students and staff that the Telangana state government under the mighty leadership of Sri. K. Chandrasekhar Rao has introduced and implemented various health schemes and welfare programmes providing the basic health care facilities to all the citizens. He also added that each person can save lives by donating donation which is essential for the patients for surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. Hon. Vice Chancellor appreciated the students with fruit juices and donor certificates for volunteering to donate blood on the auspicious occasion. This programme is jointly organized by Osmania General Hospital blood bank and PJTSAU health centre. The Dean of Agriculture Dr. Seema, Dean of Student Affairs Dr. J. Satyanarayana, Associate Dean Dr. Narender Reddy, Dr. B. Hadassa John, Dr. Thasnim Fariqui, Dr. Sharma graced the occasion along with N.S.S unit, college staff and students.