On the auspicious occasion of 68th birthday celebrations of Chief Minister Sri. K. Chandrasekhar Rao on 17.2.2022, the College of Agriculture, PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad held three day celebrations. On the third day, the college visited Saint Alphonsa Karunalayam charitable trust and celebrated Hon’ble CM birthday with 170 old age people who were once destitute and wanderers taking shelter in oldage home. The programme is graced by Dr. C. Narendra Reddy, Associate Dean, explained that the university is celebrating 68 th birthday of Telangana Sate Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar garu from February 15-17. Expressed gratitude to our Hon’ble CM for his untiring efforts in building the state and take care of the welfare of all the sections of the society and as a token of gratitude the university has provided the groceries and daily essentials required for their day to day activities. Father Thomas and oldage people were very happy and thanked for the love and affection on the occasion of 68th birthday of Chief Minister Sri. K. Chandrasekhar Rao garu. The programme is attended by Father Thomas managing director of the charitable trust, OISA Dr. V. Ravinder Naik, Physical director, Dr. Rajashekar Reddy, Staff and students of college, NSS programme officers have participated in the programme.