Dr.V .Praveen Rao, Vice Chancellor, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) has unfurled the national flag on the occasion of 73rd Independence Day celebrations held at University Sports Complex, Rajendranagar. While speaking on this occasion Dr. V. Praveen Rao has told that, the new agriculture college will be come up in next academic year in Adilabad district. Further, he said, two more agricultural colleges may be opened based on the government decision in the state. Faculty recruitment will also be taken up based on the vacancies arises due to the new agricultural colleges which would come up in the state he said. He suggested the students and scientists to utilise the modern information communication technologies for ensuring better services to the farming community. University is striving hard to provide international standard infrastructure in teaching and research areas for achieving better results With the efforts made in last few years University had stood 6th rank at the national level and 1st rank in the South India Dr Rao said. University has made remarkable achievements not only in the state, at all over the country VC said. He told about the new initiatives taken up in Teaching, Research and Extension activities and its results. Earlier, Registrar, PJTSAU Dr S Sudheer Kumar has also spoken. University Officers, Large number of Students, Teaching and Non Teaching staff were attended the celebrations.