The 74th Independence Day was celebrated on 15th August, 2020 at College of Community Science, Saifabad, Hyderabad was celebrated in a befitting manner keeping in view the pandemic situation. The National flag was hoisted by Dr.D.Ratna Kumari, Dean, Faculty of Community Science, along with the Guest of Honour Mr.Bikhsapathi, Attender, College of Community science, Saifabad who will be retiring in December 2020, as is the tradition being followed in the college where in the staff retiring during that period are honoured. All the heads of the departments, teaching and non-teaching staff attended the programme. A total of 92 UG and PG students were joined in the programme virtually through Cisco Webex. The Dean Faculty of Community Science in her address mentioned that all in this campus have got double the responsibility compared to a common man, to dedicate their services and life for the progress of the nation. This is because we are paid to an unimaginable extent, expecting that the outcome of this institution will lead the nation forward. The nation although constrained with resources did spend such a huge amount of common man’s money, only to expect that these institutions will contribute for the progress of the nation from which the people of this country will be benefitted. However in this competitive world to march further, a nation requires a power of Science and Technology and during the pandemic situation we have made adequate use of this technology to further our goals. She urged everyone to take a pledge to do everything possible to make great contributions towards the nation and to the Institute. The event was organized by duly following the safety measures COVID-19 by using masks and maintaining social distance. Students also shared their views in the form of speech, songs and poems with lot of enthusiasm and patriotism. On this occasion the seed flags were distributed to all those who attended to promote Green initiative programme.