76th Independence Day Celebrations were held in a grand manner at Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University on 15-08-2022. Dr S. Sudheer Kumar, Registrar PJTSAU, has hoists the national flag near administrative building, at Rajendranagar. Large number of students, faculty and university officers were participated in the celebrations. While speaking after flag hoisting Dr Sudheer Kumar has said that, due to the efforts of the various government initiatives and hard work done by the farmers & agricultural scientists India has becomes self sufficient in agriculture sector in a last 75 years of India's independence. Similarly after formation of Telangana state and the PJTSAU, the efforts made by the agricultural scientists, in last several years can able to release 54 high yielding, improved crop varieties in different crops. University is striving hard to ensure to making agriculture is more remunerative profession for farmers in the state he added.