Agricultural College, Adilabad has celebrated 78th Independence Day on 15.08.2024 at 08.45 A.M. Dr. Sreedhar Chauhan, Associate Dean; all the Teaching, Non-teaching, Outsourcing staff and students of Agricultural College, Adilabad were participated in Flag hoisting ceremony. The National flag was hoisted by Dr. Sreedhar Chauhan, Associate Dean, and all the staff in unison sang the National anthem to pay homage to the nation. The Associate Dean orientated about the status of India before and after independence, role of youth for sustainable development, combating gender inequalities in rural areas etc. and revealed the importance of Agriculture in nation and said that Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi has released 109 climate-friendly high-yielding varieties (HYVs) belongs to Agriculture and Horticultural of crops and bio-fortified seeds recently to meet the diverse needs of India's agro-ecological zones, promising higher yields and improved traits. On this occasion, Associate Dean also informed the students that, PJTSAU has secured the 37th rank in NIRF Rankings (MoE, GoI) for 2023-24 due to the many innovative initiatives undertaken in the teaching, research and extension departments of the University, Agricultural education is one of the most important wing in the University in addition to the research and extension activities and urged the students to do their best in studies for upliftment of University as well as their personal growth. Later Dr. M. Suresh, Assistant professor, Agricultural College, Adilabad briefed about the great sacrifices of the freedom fighters who lost their lives just to make their motherland free from the British rule. He requested all the students to obey the laws, rules and regulations of our nation and maintain unity and suggested that do not unnecessarily waste the rich natural resources of our country. After this, four students, Non-teaching and Outsourcing staff were given speeches about Independence day significance. Participants paid their floral tributes to national leaders and the programme ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Officer In-charge of Student Affairs, Dr. M. Suresh, followed by serving the refreshments to the gathering.