Brain Storming workshop on AICRP on Women in Agriculture was organized in collaboration with CIWA (Central Institute of Women in Agriculture) and AICRP on Home Science PJTSAU Hyderabad on 29th and 30th April 2019 at PJTSAU, Rajndra nagar, Hyderabad - 30. Workshop focus on rename - AICRP on Women in Agriculture, relevant thematic areas and synergy between different components of AICRP. The Brainstorming Workshop was organised to shape the AICRP Home Science to AICRP – Women in Agriculture with an integrated approach among five disciplines of Home Science viz. Foods and Nutrition, Human Development and Family Study, Family Resource Management, Clothing and Textiles and Extension Education and various disciplines of Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Horticulture, etc. The revamped and renamed project will formulate the new mission statement to AICRP – Women in Agriculture with SWOT analysis and the future plan of action for way forward. The workshop is envisaged with four points – 1. Critical and individual, collective thinking what to do, how to do, what exactly we with specific mission, 2. Research issues, 3. Communication and Dissemination and 4. Bringing leadership in women in Agriculture.
Workshop was inaugurated by lighting of Lamp by Chief Guest, Dr. Narendra Singh Rathore, Deputy Director General (Agril. Education), ICAR, Dr. Ch.Srinivas Rao, Director, ICAR-NAARM, Dr. P. S. Pandey, Assistant Director General (EP&HS), ICAR, Dr. R. Jagadeeshwar, Director of Research, PJTSAU, Dr. Lipi Das Principal Scientist, nodal officer to H.Sc., CIWA, Dr. V. Vijaya Lakshmi Dean of Home Science, PJTSAU and Dr.T.SarahKamala Organizing Secretary, Unit Coordinator, AICRP on Home Science, PJTSAU.
The gathering was addressed by Dr. Narendra Singh Rathore, Deputy Director General (Agril. Education), ICAR on identification of researchable issues, critical thinking, communication strategies, climate change & sustainability, Agricultural marketing and bringing the leadership in women in Agriculture by chance, choice and change.The workshop was attended by ICAR SAU i.e., PJTSAU, UAS Dharwad, Banglore, Tamil Naidu, Parbhani, Palampur, Punjab, Haryana, Udaipur,Tura (Meghalaya), Assam, Pantnagar and Delegate, Former Deans, Dr. D.Ratna Kumari, Associate Dean, CHSc , EEI Director, Head of the Departments, CHSc, Faculty Home Science, AICRP Scientist& Research Associates.