A workshop on Annapurna Krishi Prasaar Seva (AKPS) which is an implementing Interactive Information Dissemination System (IIDS) was organized by DAATT Centre, Tornala in collaboration with Digital India Corporation (DIC), New Delhi to the farmers of Siddipet district on 22.02.2021. This workshop was chaired by Dr. A.V. Ramanjaneyulu, Senior Scientist & Head, ARS, Tornala explained about the research activities being carried out in the station and also briefed about associated advantages with the AKPS and requested farmers to utilize the services. Sri. P. Sailu, RA (IT), Digital India Corporation explained the advisory services are being given by the respective DAATTC, Tornala and the technical support has been provided by DIC. AKPS enables them to interact directly with their local scientists in their vernacular language (Telugu) over a toll free number (1800 425 3141), disseminating the location specific information on their mobiles (text and voice messages in Telugu) and providing an option to the farmers to send their farm images & small videos using a smart phone application (UMANG – AKPS). He also explained in detail about the registration procedure, how to use the UMANG – AKPS operation and its uses to the farmers, agriculture department officials AEOs and ATMs and BTMs from Siddipet district. Further, he also demonstrated hands on experience to farmers and also clarified the doubts on AKPS app. ARS, Tornala Scientists Dr. Uma Rani and A. Saritha have explained the seed production details. Later, DAATTC, Tornala Scientists Mr. J. Vijay and Smt. Ch. Pallavi requested the farmers to timely utilize the AKPS app and clarify their doubts related to farming operation through message. Around 70 farmers from Bejjanki, Thornala, Bussapur, Challapur, Appannapally villages of Siddipet district attended the workshop.