Farmers field training on Pink Boll Worm under IRM, Project ” conducted at ARS, Adilabad on 07.02.2019

Farmers field training on Pink Boll Worm under IRM, Project ” conducted at ARS, Adilabad on 07.02.2019

Agricultural Research Station (ARS), Adilabad and Krishi Vignyan Kendram (KVK), Adilabad jointly organized Farmers training programme & Kisan mela at ARS, Adilabad premises on 07-02-2019. Main theme of this programme was “Pink boll worm management in Cotton & Rabi/summer crop management aspect in present situation”. During this programme, Sri Godam Nagesh, Hon’ble Member of Parliament (M.P), Adilabad constituency as a Chief Guest spelt about utilization of the technical knowledge from Scientists & Agriculture department Officers in field crops for getting good yield and income.

As a guest, Dr. Vishlesh Nagrare, Principal Scientist (Ento.), ICAR-CICR, Nagpur (M.H) addressed the farmers on issue of pink boll worm resistance in cotton & its management strategies in-detail for benefitting of the farmers and explained about “Insecticide resistance management (IRM)” project in cotton implementing by ARS, Adilabad.

Latter on Dr. R. Uma Reddy, Associate Director of Research (ADR), RARS, Jagtial has been attend programme as a Chairman and addressed the issues related to better management practices in Cotton & Crop colony concept.

Sri Addi Bhoja Reddy, District Rythu Samanvaya Samithi Coordinator, Adilabad promised the farmers to provide Neem oil and Pheromone traps on subsidy basis for pink boll worm control in future.

Sri Damodar Reddy, District Cooperative Bank (DCCB) Chairman, Adilabad encouraged the farmers to follow time to time management practices in cotton, soybean & other related crops of Adilabad District.

Sri Govardahan Yadav, REAC member, PJTSAU told that, farmer to farmer communication is necessary for better transfer of technology.

In this meeting, ARS Scientists Dr. Sreedhar Chauhan, K. Rajashekar, Dr. D. Mohan Das and Dr. M. Rajendar Reddy; KVK Scientists Dr. Y. Praveen Kumar, A. Pochadri, A. Sunil Kumar, Shivacharan, Raghuveer, Smt. Ramadevi; DAATTC Scientists Dr. D. Veeranna, Sampath Kumar & R. Preetham Goud, Scientist & Head, HRS, Adilabad, department officials and 500 farmers has been belongs to various mandals attended.