Agricultural Education day held at College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar on 03-12-2018, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor Dr. V Praveen Rao has attended as chief guest and inaugurated the Exhibition organised on agriculture education subjects in the premises of College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar. Dr.S. Sudheer Kumar, Registrar and Dean of Agriclture, PJTSAU, Dr. D. Vishnuvardhan Reddy, Dean of Student Affairs, Dr.M. Uma Devi, Member Board of Management, Dr. J Satyanarayana, Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, Dr. P Ramesh, OSA were attended the program. About 1000 students from 20 schools from Hyderabad city were visited the stalls arranged in the college premises. Dr. B Sivaprasad has delivered a lecture on "Importance of Agricultural education and opportunities in Agriculture".