Budget Estimates 2023-24
Budget Estimates 2023-24
Circular Memo
Main Summaries
110000 - University Administration
115000 - Pension
120000 - UG & PG Colleges
120000 - Polytechnics
123000 - College of Community Science
124000 - Special P.G. Programmes
134000 - North Telangana Zone
135000 - Sothern Telangana Zone
138000 - Central Telangana Zone
140000 - Extension
150000 - Common Expenditure
160000 - Works
270000 Departmental Sponsored Schems
320000 - ICAR - Education
334000 - ICAR - North Telangana Zone
335000 - ICAR - Southern Telangana Zone
338000 - ICAR - Central Telangana Zone
339000 - ICAR - Extension
400000 - Govt of India
500000 - Other Agencies
600000- Other accounts