Agricultural Research Station (ARS), Adilabad is conducting Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM): “Dissemination of pink boll worm management strategies 2018-19” project under nodal agency of Central Institute for Cotton Research (ICAR-CICR), Nagpur funded by the Department of Agriculture, Co-operation & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, GoI, New Delhi. On 09.01.2019, Dr. R. P. Singh, Director, Directorate of Cotton Development (DCD), Nagpur and Dr. Vishlesh Nagarare, Principal Scientist (Entomology), Central Institute for Cotton Research (ICAR-CICR), Nagpur have visited Agricultural Research Station (ARS), Adilabad for monitoring and evaluation of IRM project. Part of this programme, ARS, Adilabad arranged farmer’s interaction meeting at Ponnari (Village) of Tamsi (Mandal); Pochera (Village) of Adilabad (Mandal) and which are implementing the IRM project. During this interaction meeting, farmers have given feedback on input supply, training programme, diagnostic field visits, awareness through print & electronic media which are taken up by ARS, Adilabad in co-ordination with Extension institutes and Department of Agriculture, Adilabad. Further, Dr. R. P. Singh and Dr. Vishlesh Nagarare have suggested the farmers to follow the IPM practices like growing of refugia crop, erection of pheromone traps, spray application of neem oil, need based chemical application and termination of the crops before December month. At the end, the officers who are in monitoring team appreciated the ARS, Adilabad for successful organising the IRM project to control the pink boll worm in Adilabad district by co-ordination with extension functionaries. In this programme, Dr. Sreedhar Chauhan, Senior Scientist (Agronomy) & Head; K. Rajashekar, Scientist (Entomology); Dr. D. Mohan Das, Scientist (Agro.), ARS, Adilabad; A. Srikanth, IRM project SRF; N. Sai Krishna, IRM project PA and selected IRM project farmers has been participated.