“Swachhta Pakhwada” organized by Extension Education Institute, Hyderabad from 16th – 31st December, 2018

“Swachhta Pakhwada” organized by Extension Education Institute, Hyderabad from 16th – 31st December, 2018

EEI Director, Dr.K.Madhu Babu along with teaching and non teaching staff participated in the “Swachhta Pakhwada” from 16th – 31st December, 2018 at Extension Education Institute, Hyderabad and cleaned the office surroundings. EEI Director involved the students of Krishi High School which is located in EEI campus to participate in the programme along with the staff of EEI in the cleanliness programme. He also motivated the staff and students about the importance of the programme and instructed all the staff to progress towards the “Swachh Bharat” mission of the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. The students and staff of EEI participated in the programme very actively and everyone took oath to keep the surroundings clean and hygienic every day. The old office files were also sorted out and unwanted papers were cleaned by the official staff of EEI. With this inspiration all the teaching and non teaching staff of EEI decided to continue the spirit in future also.