The Karnataka State Agriculture Minister Sri. N.H. Shivashankarareddy, had visited the Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) on 27-06-2019. Earlier minister was welcomed by the Vice Chancellor, Dr. V. Praveen Rao, Registrar, Dr. S. Sudheer Kumar. The Agriculture minister of Karnataka had held discussions with the VC and interacted with the University Officers of PJTSAU. Vice Chancellor, Dr. V. Praveen Rao had explained about the activities of the PJTSAU through video presentation. Dr Rao told to the minister about the reforms initiated in the Education, Research and Extension activities of the University. He said that, the University is planning to establish Dal processing unit and Safflower oil processing units at Agricultural Research Station, Tandur to ensure additional income to the red gram and safflower growing framers in the state. The Agriculture minister is shown keen interest to know about the recruitment process and Farmer Scientists interactions in the university. Dr Rajendraprasad, VC, Raichur Agricultural University, Mr Patil OSD to Agricultural Minister and Dr S Sudheer Kumar, Registrar, PJTSAU and University Officers of PJTSAU were present. Later on Minister had visited the University Knowledge Management Center (Central Library), Central Instrumentation Cell, Millet Incubation Center, and also visited and observed the facilities in Virtual class room at College of Agriculture.