KVK, Kampasagar Celebrated Birth Anniversary of Professor Kothapalli Jayashankar on 06-08-2020

KVK, Kampasagar Celebrated Birth Anniversary of Professor Kothapalli Jayashankar on 06-08-2020

As per the instructions of University, Birth Anniversary of Professor Kothapalli Jayashankar was celebrated at KVK, Kampasagar on 06.08.2020. On this auspicious Day Dr. M. Shankar Programme Coordinator i/c, garlanded the photo and briefed the services and major role played by Professor Kothapalli Jayashankar in the movement of Telangana state formation. Later Dr. T. Bharath, SMS (Crop Production) reminded his work on fighting for separate state and unequal distribution of river water and Telangana resources. Scientists T. Himabindu, S. Pallavi, G.Krishnaveni, J. Jeshwanthi, A. Sai Kiran and Non Teaching staff were participated and paid tributes to Professor Kothapalli Jayashankar.