KVK, Kampasagar Awarded The Best Extension Centre Award on 6th PJTSAU foundation Day on 03-09-2020

KVK, Kampasagar Awarded The Best Extension Centre Award on 6th PJTSAU foundation Day on 03-09-2020

The KVK, Kampasagar was awarded The Best Extension Centre Award on the eve of 6th Foundation Day of Professor Jayashankar Telanagana State Agriculture University, Hyderabad by Online on 3.9.2020. Under the able leadership of Dr.M.A. Aariff Khan, Programme Coordinator & Head on and KVK Team put combined effort and disseminated transfer of technologies to increase crop yields in main Crops, Rice, Cotton, Redgram, Sweet Orange and Vegetables in farmers fields and achieved significant Extension activities and Programmes in various ways. Implementing successfully the Special Project Attracting Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA) and other Projects such as Tribal Sub Plan (TSP), Schedule Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) and Skill Training Programme under Agriculture Skill Council of India (RKVY) with two job roles on ‘Nursery Worker’ and ‘Vermi Compost Producer’. Producing and supplying quality Foundation Seed of different rice varieties in both Vanakalam (Kharif) and Yasangi (Rabi) season in each year with 2000 q per annum to farmers and other stake holders of different districts of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Acting as Knowledge Resource Center and maintaing different Demo Units and Information Centre in good working condition to farmers and extension workers. In addition, introduced new improved high yielding varieties of Rice and Redgram by replacing old varieties in tribal and non tribal small and marginal farmers fields in 60 % crop area for increasing crop yields and income levels. Established and Developed micro enterprises in Back Yard Poultry, Bakery Products, Quality Nursery, Vermicompost to increase income level and sustainability of tribal and non tribal farmers of Nalgonda District. On 6th Foundation Day PJTSAU occasion Dr.M. Shankar, SMS (Plant Protection), KVK, Kampasagar also awarded The Best Extension Scientist Award for significant contributions made and Programmes conducted to the farming community.