Rice crop scientists, Rice Research Centre, Agriculture Research Institute, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad and Scientists KVK, Kampasagar jointly conducted a field visit to Rice Minikit of long slender scented culture RNR-15435 Vs Sumathi at Haliya (V& M) and medium slender grain type KNM-1638 vs RNR-15048 at Chalmareddy Gudem (V) and Nalgonda (Dist). Dr.M.A.Aariff Khan, Programme Coordinator & Head, KVK, Kampasagar, Dr.M.Venkata Ramana, Principal Scientist & Head, Dr.N.Ramgopal Varma, Principal Scientist (Entomology), Rice Research Centre, Hyderabad, Dr.Damodhar Raju, Principal Scientist & Head, Agriculture Research Station, Kampasagar and S.Pallavi, SMS (Extension) cum Minikit Incharge, KVK, Kampasagar monitored the Rice Minikits. Farmers feed back about the performance of Minikits were recorded and also enquired about milling problems with existing rice mills about scented long slender type RNR-15435. The Minikit crop attained at harvest stage and growth performance was good and observed slight grain discoloration and False Smut incidence. Farmer expressed that over all the Minikit is performing well at local field conditions and expecting good yields over check. Later, monitored another fine grain variety rice Minikit KNM-1638 at harvesting stage with good growth over check and observed slight incidence of false smut disease. Farmers were satisfied with the crop performance at their field condition and other fellow farmers of village are showing interest in cultivating KNM-1638 in ensuing seasons.