KVK, Kampasagar Conducted Training Programme cum Field visit on Drum Seeder Technology in Rice at Cheruvpally, Madugulapally on 22.02.2020. Dr. M.A. Aariff Khan, Programme Coordinator , KVK, Kampasagar addressed the farmers about importance direct seeded Rice. Dr. T.Bharath, Scientist (Crop Production) cum Programme Incharge, KVK,Kampasagar explained Drum Seeder technology help to maintain plant to plant spacing and row to row spacing this in turn help to do the intercultural operations by using cono-weeder. It helps to save 33% of total labour requirement, 20% of seed and 25% of water.With Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Kampasagar interventions nearly 200 acres of Direct seeded Rice with drum seeder technology adopted by Cheruvpally village farmers.J.Bhupal Reddy, Progressive farmer expressed that, adoption of drum seeder technology saved time with respect to sowing and raising of nursery, saves time with respect to transplanting, the completion of the crop maturity for about 10-15 days in advance were observed which are the merits of the technology. District Agriculture Officer Sridhar Reddy, Nagamani, ADA-Miryalaguda,Saida Naik,AO-Madugulapally,KVK Scientist Dr.Shankar, Public represantatives and farmers (40 No.) of Cheruvpally village were participated