KVK, Bhadradri Kothagudem has celebrated Mahila Kisan Divas at Mangapeta village, Sujathanagar Mandal on 15.10.2020 to highlight the role of Women in Agriculture. Ms. V. Daivashiromani, SMS (Home science) has demonstrated Cotton harvesting bags and Seed cum fertilizer bags and also explained about drudgery reduction for women labour. Dr. V. Lakshmi Narayanamma, SMS (Plant Protection) has addressed about women empowerment and also conducted a quiz on farm activities and Rangoli competitions and distributed the gifts to the Mahila Kisan winners and runners. Smt. T. Karuna sree, ADA (Sujathanagar Division) has explained about financial empowerment through Self Help Groups and income generation through Value addition. Smt. Bukya Kaika, Village Sarpanch and Smt. Narmada, Agriculture Officer along with 32 farm women has participated in the programme. Dr. R. Vishwatej has given the vote of thanks for all the guests, participants and media for making the programme successful.