Field visit conducted by KVK, Malyal team of Scientists. Visited the Rice, Cotton, Turmeric and Mango fields in Tallapusapalli and Gandhipuram villages of Kesamudram Mandal. The team of Scientists Dr. N. Kishore Kumar, Programme Coordinator i/c, Smt. A. Ramulamma, SMS (Plant Protection) and Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS (Horticulture) visited the farmer’s fields.Farmers are reported the leaf folder, BPH and drying in Ri e. Sucking pest in Cotton and leaf spot, leaf blotch in Turmeric.
12 No.of farmers participated in the programme.
Paddy: Observed leaf folder, stem borer and BPH in Rice. Suggested to spray of Flubendimide 0.2 g/l or Chlorantaniliprole 0.3 ml/l for stem borer and leaf folder. Spray of Dinotefuron 0.4 g/l ro Pymetrizine 0.6 g/l for BPH in Rice.
Cotton: observed severe incidence of Jassids and white fly in Cotton. Suggested Flunicamide 0.35 g/l or Difenthiuron 1.25 g/l.
Turmeric: Spray of Thiophanate methyl 1g/l and Emamectin Benzoate 0.5 g/l to control the leaf spot and spodoptera in Turmeric.