KVK Mancherial conducted Diagnostic Field Visit and Minikits Field Visit with Department of Agriculture on 01-01-2020

KVK Mancherial conducted Diagnostic Field Visit and Minikits Field Visit with Department of Agriculture on 01-01-2020

KVK Bellampalli Mancherial conducted Diagnostic field visit and visited minikit fields: RNR 21278, WGL 962 and WGL 1119 on 01.10.2020 along with Department of Agriculture Mancherial to the villages of Jaipur mandal, Bheemaram mandal and Nennel mandal. Dr. M. Rajeshwar Naik, Senior Scientist and Head and Programme Coordinator of KVK, Bellampalli, Mancherial interacted with the effected rice field farmers. During the visit, the following pest and disease in Paddy were observed and recommended accordingly as detailed below: Brown Plant Hopper is observed. To control, spray Buprofezin @1.6 ml or Dinotefuron @ 0.4 gr or Trifuzomyzam @0.49 ml or pymetrozone @ 0.6 g per litre of water is recommended; Bacterial Leaf Blight early stage infestation is observed. To control, spray recommended was Copper oxychloride @3 g + Plantomycin @ 0.2 g per liter of water; Slight incidence of hispa infestation is noticed. Recommended to spray profenophos@ 2ml or Chloropyriphos @ 2.5 ml per liter of water; In some fields, Stem borer is observed. Recommended carbofuron 3 G @ 10 kg per acre.Further, he added that, store the minikit seeds for seed purpose for the next seasons based on the performance and characteristics like crop duration, yield characteristics, pest and disease resistance. Afterwards, Dr. Shivakrishna Kota, SMS (Extension), noted the characteristics and opinion of the farmers about the minikits (Number of tillers). Farmers expressed their happiness with the growth and high number of tillers. Later, Dr. Vinod Kumar, DAO, Mancherial, Sri J. Bapu, ADA, Chennur, Sri. Mark Gladston, MAO and AEOs interacted with the farmers and enquired about the performance of the minikits. During this visit, 3 number of Minikit farmers along with village farmers of Burugupalli, Bheemaram mandal visited the Minikit fields and expressed their satisfaction on the good performance of the Minkits in terms of more number of tillers.