Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Palem, Nagarkurnool District has been organized a Field day on Cluster Frontline Demonstrations of Redgram funded under NFSM for the year 2020-21 at Nallavelli village on 03.12.2020. The main objective of this programme is showcasing the performance of Redgram Variety PRG 176 & ICM Practices among the farmers and extension officers. Dr. T. Prabhakar Reddy, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Palem has addressed the farmers on the importance of cultivation of Redgram and selection of university released location specific high yielding varieties of pulses for the better yields and also for the enhancement of soil health. Mr. M. Rajashekhar, SMS (Plant Protection), Explained about pest and disease management practices in Redgram. Mr. K. Rmakrishna, SMS (Crop Production) discussed about integrated crop management practices in Redgram for higher yields. Later, field visit to Redgram farm was organized and interaction between the farmers and experts were also conducted. The programme was graced by the Programme Coordinator, KVK Staff, Sarpanch and Vice-Sarpanch and 46 No. of farmers.