Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Palem has been organized training cum awareness programme on preparation & practical utility of waste decomposer at Nandivaddeman village of Bijinepally mandal on 07.10.2020. In this progarmme Dr. T. Prabhakhar Reddy (PC) briefed about the role of waste decomposer for in-situ decomposing of crop stubbles which will ultimately enhance the microbial activity in the soil. Mr. M. Rajashekhar (SMS-PP) explained about the waste decomposer is a microbial consortium which contains all the beneficial bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes etc. Farmers can prepare and utilize the waste decomposer by using 30ml of microbial consortium in 200 liters of water by adding 2 kg jaggary. After 5 days the prepared waste decomposer can be used to the soil for enriching of soil fertility. 15 waste decomposer bottles distributed to the interested farmers. In this programme a total of 33 farmers and AEOs participated.