The Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) has entered a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRDPR), Hyderabad on 08-04-2022. G. Narendra Kumar, Director General, NIRDPR, and Dr S. Sudheer Kumar, Registrar, PJTSAU has executed the MoU papers in the presence of the PJTSAU, vice chancellor, Dr V Praveen Rao, at the program organized at Agrihub, in the university campus on 8th April 2022. Before signing the MoU NIRDPR, DG had spoke on the occasion and said that, the effective collaborations and partnerships with organizations which are in rural development shall enhance the strength of the institutions in delivering of its services. And he explained about the activities of the NIRDPR in conducting the training & capacity building programs for various functionaries pertain to the rural development & panchayti raj. G. Narendra kumar stated, the Government of India (GOI) is keen to evolve the micro level agricultural planning at the Grama panchayats in the country, to ensure the vision of the GOI, ministry of rural development and agriculture & farmers welfare; in line of that, NIRDPR is entering the MoU’s with the several related institutions in the country to fulfill the objective of the Government. Mr. Narendra Kumar had said that, institutes which are working for rural development and the agriculture development in the country work together can achieve the sustainable development goals and enhance the farmers’ livelihood. While speaking at the program, Dr Praveen Rao had explained about the activities and accomplishments of the university in last seven years. Dr Rao said, the PJTSAU is engaged its research activities in problem solving areas of the Telangana State since formation of the PJTSAU as well as the Telangana state. Further, he stated, several new initiatives of the university, which become role model for other agricultural universities in the country such as PG admissions done through the national entrance exam conducted by the ICAR etc. VC has opined there is need to re design of the NRM technologies related to watershed management, climate proof agriculture etc. The agricultural planning at the grama panchayat level is the need of the hour as said the VC, and university is very much interested to work with NIRDPR in areas of Climate proofing agriculture, NRM technologies, reducing of the malnutrition, mapping of the village level resources, and agriculture food value chain etc. Several officers from the NIRDPR and University officers of the PJTSAU were present in the program.