The Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar organized and conducted "POSHAN MAAH and Capacity Development of Anganwadi Teachers and Farm Women on Nutrition" on 17.09.2020. On this occasion Dr. M.A. Aariff Khan, Programme Coordinator and Head addressed the gathering and briefed about the importance and value of nutrition to children, pregnant women and lactating mothers for improving physical and mental health of women and children. Besides the achievements of KVK and technologies of Home Science section catering the needs of rural women, children and farm women workers. Later G. Krishnaveni, Research Associate (Home Science) briefed the importance of balanced diet in daily life, nutritional requirements of Pregnant, lactating women and low cost nutritional rich foods. Followed by T. Himabindu SMS (Horticulture) spok on different types of Nutri Kitchen garden models, seasonal vegetable crops and cultivation of Roof top garden. Dr. T. Bharath, SMS (Crop Production) briefed about different Bio fortified food crops like Rice, Bajra and Ragi for zinc and iron nutrition. Smt. D. Bharathi Bhaskar Naik Garu, ZPTC, Tripuraram as Chief Guest of the Programme gave the message on effective implementation of Women Development and Child Welfare Schemes of Govt. of Telangana. Smt. A. Pandamma Srinivas Reddy, MPP, Tripuraram as Guest of Honor explained the need of home stead garden with vegetables in present days. Different vegetables seeds packets were distributed to all Annganwadi Teachers with the assistance of IFFCO, Nalgonda. Dr. I. Swarnalatha Devi, Principal, Agricultural Polytechnic College, Kampasagar. Dr. K. Sumalini (Senior Scientist), ARS, KVK Scientists, Women Development and Child Welfare Department Supervisors, Block Coordinators and a total of 56 Anganwadi Teachers of Nalgonda District and Farm Women attended and participated the programme.