The Newly established Remote Sensing and GIS lab in Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU ) was inaugurated by the Vice Chancellor Dr. V Praveen Rao, on 26-11-2018. The lab has been established in the premises of Water Technology Center, Rajendranagar. National Remote Sensing Center (NRSC) has provided the guidance for establishing of new RS & GIS lab in the university. NRSC Deputy director Dr. PVN Rao, Head Agriculture wing of NRSC Dr. CS Murthy, Director of Research Dr. Jagadeeshwar, Director, Water Technology Center Dr Umadevi also were present at the inaugural program. After this, Vice Chancellor Dr. Praveen Rao inaugurated the "a one day Awareness cum orientation training on the Application of Geo Spatial Technology for Agriculture Development and Research" to the Faculty, Research Scholars at WTC conference hall.