The Minister for Agriculture of Telangana State, Sri Singireddy Niranjan Reddy inaugurated the Seed Mela – 2019 on 24-05-2019 at University Auditorium premises, Rajendranagar. PJTSAU has jointly organized the Seed Mela - 2019 with the collaboration of Department of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture and local ICAR Research Institutes such as Indian Institute of Millet Research (IIMR), Indian Institute of Rice Research (IIRR), Indian Institute of Oil seed Research (IIOR), Central Research Institute for Dry land Agriculture(CRIDA), ATARI, NAARM, Directorate of Poultry, National Seeds Corporation(NSC), Telangana State Seed Development Corporation(TSSDC), Telangana State Seed and Organic Certification Agency (TSSOCA) and Veterinary and Horticultural Universities. The Vice Chancellor PJTSAU Dr. V Praveen Rao gave the overview of the Seed Mela -2019 and he explained the efforts made to supply of quality seed to the farmers. Dr Rao Said that, university is planning to release 8 new varieties in Rice, Pulses, Maize crops in next month. He also says, this year a dedicated stall has been arranged to explain about the new technologies to the farmers. He tendered his thanks to the farmers who are continuously encouraging the university scientists and adopted the newer technologies and new varieties. He added that for the benefit of the farmers simultaneously seed melas were organized at Regional Agricultural Research Stations (RARS) at Jagitial, Warangal and Palem in Nagarkurnool District.