Agricultural Education Day, 2024 was celebrated in a grand manner at Agricultural College, Adilabad on 03.12.2024 around 195 school students from 8th and 9th standards from 3 different schools attended to the celebrations. As a part of the programme, an exhibition with different subject specific stalls was arranged. The stalls showcased (Agronomy- seed samples of important field crops (Cereals, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds and Cotton) cultivated in Northern Telangana Zone; Soil Science (Soils Types, Organic, Inorganic fertilizers and Biofertilizer samples); Plant Protection (Entomology –Pheremone traps, Lure traps and insect pest damaged specimens) and Plant Pathology (Infested specimens- Wilt, Canker, Leaf spots and Powdery mildew in different crops). It was followed by a field visit to the ARS, Adilabad and KVK, Adilabad experimental fields for practical exposure to the students on Agronomic aspects, different agricultural implements apart from important crop pest and diseases. Later a brief series of guest lectures were organized at KVK Training Hall. The Programme was started with a welcome address by Dr. M. Suresh, OISA briefed about the occasion and emphasized that reason behind to organizing Agricultural Education Day followed by faculty series of lectures viz;
1. Role of Agriculture in Indian economy by Dr. Sreedhar Chauhan, Associate Dean.
2. Awareness on B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. course and significance of plant doctors by Dr. K. Bhanu Rekha, Professor, (Agro.).
3. Importance of Soil fertility and its maintenance by Dr. M. Suresh, Assistant Professor, (Soil Science & Agril. Chemistry)
4. Important pathogens and their management by Dr. B. Rajeswari, Professor, (Pl. Path.).
5. Important insect pests and their management by Dr. G. Anitha, Assoc. Professor, (Ento.) it was followed by a lively interaction between school students and the Agricultural College teaching staff.
The teachers accompanying students from the various schools expressed that the programme was organized very well with special focus on importance of Agriculture, role of Agricultural education and also expressed happiness that a new Agricultural college was establishment at Adilabad District as it would help their students for exposure visits. The programme ended with vote of thanks presented by the Officer In-charge of Student Affairs, Dr. M. Suresh.