The World Soil Day, 2023 with the theme “Save Soil and Water” was celebrated in a grand manner at Agricultural College, Adilabad on 5.12.2023. As a part of this programme, literary events viz; Essay writing and Best slogan competition on “Soil and Water Source of life” themes were organized to the school students from five different schools of Adilabad. Drawing competition was conducted to the B Sc. (Hons.) Ag I year students. A guest lecture on “Soil Health Management” was organized on 5.12.2023 for the BSc. (Hons.) Ag I year students at classroom Agricultural College, Adilabad on 5.12.2023 afternoon session. The guest speaker was Dr. Ashok Kumar Indoria, Principal Scientist, Soil Physics & SWC (Division of Resource Management), ICAR- CRIDA. Two Scientists Dr. Gaurav Priya Pandurang, Soil Science and Dr. Bharath Kumar Alam, (Genetics & Plant Breeding) also joined the programme. The guest talk was followed by a fruitful interaction between students and guest speaker. As a part of the programme an “Awareness campaign on “Save Soil” by first year B.Sc (Hons.) Ag students and teaching staff Ag. College was organized in the adopted village Sirsanna, Mandal Jainadh, Adilabad District with placards and slogans on Save Soil, Soil is life, No soil No life etc; by proceeding into the village to sensitize the farming community. After the campaign a farmer oriented programme was arranged at the Rythu vedika, venue Sirsanna Village. The programme was graced by Maddula Ushanna, Sarpanch, Sirsanna Village, UpaSarpanch, N. Kasim, Rythu Samanvya Samithi Co-ordinator, M. Ashanna, Sri. Y.Srikar, Manager SBI, Mavala village, Sri. A. Vivek, Mandal Agricultural Officer and Sri. Ramana, Agril. Extension Officer. From the Agricultural College, Associate Dean, Dr Sreedhar Chauhan, teaching faculty Dr.B. Rajeswari, Professor, Plant Pathology, Dr.K.Bhanu Rekha, Professor, Agronomy, Dr.G. Anitha, Assoc. Professor, Entomology and Dr. M. Suresh, Assistant Professor, Soil Science, teaching Associates Mamatha, Ag. Economics, Sri. Sanjeev, Crop Physiology and students of BSc. (Hons.) Ag I year attended to the programme. At the outset, Dr.M. Suresh, Officer Incharge Student Affairs welcomed the guests on to the dias and flower boquets were presented to the dignitaries. It was followed by a welcome address delivered by Dr. Sreedhar Chauhan, Associate Dean, Ag. College, Adilabad. As a part of the programme a series of brief guest lectures viz; 1.“Importance of World Soil day and an overview of Adilabad crops, soils and Land use, by Dr. Sreedhar Chauhan, Associate Dean 2. Integrated pest management and its role in sustaining soil health by Dr.B. Rajeswari, Professor, Plant Pathology 3. Importance of Soil health its Management, by Dr.M.Suresh, Assistant Professor, Soil Science 4. Role of organics and crop rotation in sustaining soil health by Dr. K.Bhanu Rekha, Professor, Agronomy and 5. Bioagents and their impact on soil health. It was followed by an overview on crop management by the farmers of Sircanna village by Agricultural Officer Sri.A. Vivek. Later the dignitaries on the dias from farming community shared their farming experiences with the audience and stressed on the importance of farm animals and their importance in farming and farmers life. Three students (two girls and one boy) from Ag. College Adilabad gave their feedback on the benefits of the campaign apart from expressing their gratitude to the College for extending opportunity to participate and interact with the farming community of the Sirsanna village on the occasion of World Soil day, 2023. The programme ended with vote of thanks presented by the Officer Incharge of Student Affairs, Dr. M. Suresh.