The National Science Day, (NSD) is celebrated on 28th February every year to commemorate the birth anniversary of Indian Nobel Laureate Sir. C.V. Raman and The Raman Effect which brought him Nobel Prize in Physics. As a part of NSD Programs the Agricultural college, Sircilla has organized a two-day training programme “Food for the Future: Extension-led nutritional security through millets” on March 3rd and 4th, 2023 at seminar hall of PGRC, PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad to Anganwadi staff to gain knowledge on role of millets in health for children and women and importance of value addition in millets and millet-based recipes. The programme was started by invocation and lighting of lamp. The Programme was presided by Dr. Seema, Dean of Agriculture, PJTSAU, Dr. D. Ratna Kumari, Dean of Community Science as Chief Guest, Dr. J. Satyanarayana, Dean of Student Affairs and Dr .M.V. Nagesh Kumar, Principle Scientist (Millets) as Guests of Honour, Mrs. Alekya Patel, Child development Programme officer, Rajanna Sircilla also witnessed the programme. Dr. G. P. Sunandini, Senior Professor (Agril. Economics) has explained about the importance of millets is a good source of protein, fiber, key vitamin and minerals which constitute an important source of food for millions of resource poor farmers and play a vital role in ecological and economic security of India. Dr. M. Sampath Kumar, Asst. Professor (Agril. Extension) explained about different types of millets, jowar, bajra, ragi, kora in addition to miner millets, samalu, arikelu, variga etc., and briefed the cultivation practices for production of millets. Dr. T. Supraja, Professor (FDNT) and Head, PGRC, PJTSAU has explained about role of millets in health for children and women and clarified the doubts expressed by the participants. She stressed the potentiality of the millets and health benefits including protection from cardiovascular disease, preventing the onset of diabetes, helping people archive and maintain healthy weight and managing inflammation in the gut. Dr. B. Anila Kumari, Asst. Professor (F&N), PJTSAU stressed the need of value addition of the millets which needs processing for consumption. The value addition facilitate ready to cook and ready to eat millet products. Value added products help the consumers who are suffering from life style diseases. Later she explained about the various types of millets recipes. The second day programme was started by visiting millet processing and incubation centre, PJTSAU in which 21 Anganwadi supervisors/teachers from Rajanna Sircilla District. Mrs. Pradeepa, Research Associate demonstrated the process and working methods of different machineries used for making of value added products of millets i.e., jowar biscuits, jowar ravva, jowar noodles, ragi murukulu, ragi laddu, muffins, millet vermi celli, cake, cookies flakes and sorghum bread etc., The participants have also prepared a few millet products for getting hands on skill. The programme was ended with the distribution of certificates and recording feedback from the participants where they expressed their satisfaction and happiness in getting exposure and knowledge to different millets and their value added products. Literature regarding daily millet diet chart and different types of millet based recipes was distributed to the participants.