On request of the innovative farmers of the adopted village, Kothapeta, 1Kg of Ridge gourd seed (Arka Prasan) was procured by village adoption team, through IIHR’s seed portal. Keeping in view of the demand on said seed variety, procured seed was handed over to the farmers on 10.05.2023 and created awareness on various techniques and precautions of planting Ridge gourd under pandals for especially for seed production like no other variety or hybrid to be planted adjacent to this open pollinated Arka Prasan variety of Ridge gourd or other cucurbits in order to keep genetic purity of procured seed. It is recommended not to sow during hot summer, as such climate triggers the male flowers which may effects the yields. Further, it is suggested to spray Boron at 2g/Lt to support flowering and to have good number of female flowers during 2-4 leaf stage, which can be repeated after 15days interval.