Village adoption team members Dr. N. Hema Sarat Chandra, Dr. M. Harika and Smt. K. Gopika have visited Kothapeta village on 25.11.2022. Cotton harvesting is being carried out in the village. Paddy crop is at grain formation to harvesting stage. Visit made to the Banana field; which is a 1st ratoon stage, presently at fruit formation to developing stage. Identified Sigatoka leafspot, it is recommended to spray 2.5ml Mancozeb per Litre of Water or Propioconozole @ 5ml per litre along with 10ml/Lt mineral oil for 2 to 3 sprays at 20 days interval. Tomato crop is infested with whiteflies, hence it is recommended to erect Yellow sticky traps @ 8-10 per Acre. Spraying of imadachloprid @ 3ml/ 10Lt of Water. About to control spodoptera insects, spraying of Thiodicarb @ 10g/10Lt of water and arrangement of Pheromone traps as four per acre is recommended. Bottle gourd crop is infected with Powdery mildew, hence it is recommended to spray 2.5 grams per Lt or Metalaxyl MZ @ 2grams per Lt. Further, removal of diseased or infected plant parts is suggested and it is recommended to spray Dimethoate @ 2ml/Lt of water. Soil profile analysis is initiated in the village and collected the soil samples at various layers of the soil so as to understand its structure and suitability to introduce oilplam cultivation. For this Dr. J. Kamalakar, Assistant Professor (SSAC) and B.Sc.(Hon’s) Ag. Third year students have involved to collect soil sample for analysis.