Agricultural College, Warangal conducted Diagnostic field visit at Damera village on 30.01.2021. Dr.G.Swathi, Dr. G.Santosh Kumar, Dr.Ch.Anusha and Smt. Ch.Yashaswini visited Paddy, Maize, Chick pea and tomato fields in the village. In Paddy, stem borer incidence was observed and installed pheromone traps@4/acre for monitoring. If moth catches are more than 25-30 per trap or if 10 per cent dead hearts or 1 egg mass or 1 adult moth appears per square meter area then farmers were advised to apply carbofuran granules@8-10 kg/acre. Observed Fall Army Worm damage in Maize (35-40 days) and advised to spray Emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) @0.5ml/lit of water or Spinosad (Tracer) @ 0.3ml/lit of water. In Bengal gram and tomato crops, farmers were advised to do intercultural operations for weed control and moisture conservation.