Pre Kharif awareness during Farmers Day of Telangana Dashabdi Utsavam, Kothapeta on 03.06.2023

Pre Kharif awareness during Farmers Day of Telangana Dashabdi Utsavam, Kothapeta on 03.06.2023

Village adoption team in coordination with State Department of Agriculture, Warangal has organised a technical session on pre kharif awareness to the farmers during Farmers’day of Telangana Dashabdi utsavam on 03.06.2023 at Kothapeta. During this interactive meeting, Dr. A.Venkat Reddy, Prof& Head (Ento) explained the farmers about selection of suitable varieties of paddy and its availability at Agricultural college, Warangal and RARS, Warangal. Further, he explained various pest management practices for the important crops grown in the area. Dr. B. Raju, Asst.Prof. (SSAC) explained the reclamation of problem soils, importance of green manure crops, application of ZnSO4 @ 25Kgs per acre as basal or during standing crop, he recommended spray of ZnSO4 @ 2g/Lt (400g ZnSO4 per Acre) etc. Further, he suggested the application of DAP 50Kgs per acre in paddy, rather application of complex fertilisers like 20:20:0:13 in order avoid sulphur injury and he mentioned application of SSP @ 150Kgs as basal in Cotton crop is a better fertility management rather application of DAP in cotton. Dr. N. Hema Sarat Chandra, Asst. Prof (AEXT) & Convener, Village adoption program presented the information on various programs undertaken and upcoming programs by the Agricultural College, Warangal for the Adopted village Kothapeta.