Agricultural College, Warangal - Village adoption programme - Diagnostic Field visit on 07.08.2023

Agricultural College, Warangal - Village adoption programme - Diagnostic Field visit on 07.08.2023

Village adoption team made a diagnostic field visit to Adopted village, Kothapeta on 07.08.2023. At present, chilli, Tomato, and other vegetable crops were lost due to heavy rains and water-logged conditions. Bottle gourd at fruiting stage, advised farmers to remove diseased plant parts and debris. Cotton crop is recovering phase but infected with Ascochyta blightis. It is suggested to spray Propiconazole 1ml/L. further farmers are advised to adopt practice of application of Trichoderma and Pseudomonas bio fungicides which will be effective in control of soil born diseases especially during conditions like such water logging or heavy rains.