National Agricultural Educational Day celebration at Agricultural College, Warangal on 03-12-2021

National Agricultural Educational Day celebration at Agricultural College, Warangal on 03-12-2021

The India Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) celebrates the Agricultural Education Day on 3rd December every year across the country, to commemorate the birth anniversary of Bharat Ratna, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first Agriculture minister of the country and first president of independent India. In this context, "Agricultural Education Day" was celebrated at Agricultural College, Warangal on Friday, 3rd December, 2021. More than 250 students and faculty members from 4 schools in and around Warangal visited the exhibition. The Associate Dean Dr. M. Balram inaugurated the Agricultural exhibition and briefed about the objectives behind celebration of "Agricultural Education Day" and welcomed all staff and students present in the function. All staff members of the Agricultural College, Warangal did the necessary arrangements for showcasing different exhibits related to Plant Pathology & Agricultural Microbiology, Entomology, Genetics & Plant breeding, Soil science & Agricultural chemistry, Horticulture, Agricultural Extension and Agricultural Engineering areas. Along with these school students have also visited crop cafeteria, vermicompost unit, Agrometeorology station and model orchard. The school students have shown keen interest, asked many questions to the stall representatives and clarified their queries. They have expressed that they like the exhibition very much, they learnt many new things about agriculture today. Few students mentioned that, they will certainly study in agriculture and serve the nation. At the end of the event, quiz competition was conducted to the school students and distributed prizes to winners. All the faculty and students have participated in virtual celebration of Agricultural Education Day at 3:00pm organized by Indian Council of Agricultural Research through webex platform.