AINP on VPM- Method demonstration cum inputs distribution to tribal farmers under Tribal Sub plan (TSP) on 05.09.2024

AINP on VPM- Method demonstration cum inputs distribution to tribal farmers under Tribal Sub plan (TSP) on 05.09.2024

Professor Jayashankar Telangana Agricultural University under All India Network Project on Vertebrate Pest Management, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad during the year 2024 organized method demonstration cum inputs distribution to tribal farmers under Tribal Sub plan (TSP). The centre has identified certain remote villages viz., Rajeevnagar thanda of Kolukulapally mandal in Rangareddy district (05.09.2024), Maruvelli villages of Sanga Reddy Dist(24.08.2024), Musheernagar (v) Ramareddy (M) of Nizamabad Dist (20.07.2024), Maryala, Indryal, Gousekonda villages of Bommalaramaram & Pochampally (M) of Yadari Bhuvanagiri Dist and Bayyaram (V) of Mahabubabad Dist (5.06.2024). The tribal farmers in the identified villages were cultivating different crops which were frequently damaged by wild animals. Due to illiteracy and knowledge know-how they still used old methods like engaging themselves in watch and ward to protect their crops. As the prime objective of the TSP was to impart knowledge, skills to tribal farmers. Few enthusiastic tribal farmers were selected and they were trained about managing the wild animals in field and horticultural crops with improvised devices like Agri-solar, HDPE nylon net, Agri-cannon etc. About eight units of solar fencing ten units of HDPE nylon nets, seven units of Agri-canon guns were distributed free of cost to the farmer. The farmers were also provided with brochures and pamphlets for reference. The VPM scientist later visited their villages for feedback regarding the use of various devices and management of wild animals by tribal farmers. The tribals gave positive feedback about the performance of various technologies and devices and expressed their happiness.