Agricultural College Adilabad organized a Workshop on “Anti Ragging, Cybercrime, SHE Teams and Drug Abuse”.The event was graced by distinguished chief guest Sri. L. Jeevan Reddy, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), Adilabad. The programme was presided over by Dr. M. Suresh, Officer Incharge Student Affairs. The event was started withwelcomingof the chief guest Sri. L. Jeevan Reddy, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) and Associate Dean, Dr. Sreedhar Chauhan and College Senior Teaching Faculty on to the dias followed by the introduction of the theme of the workshop and reason behind organizing it.Dr. Sreedhar Chauhan in his welcome address to the participants briefed about the establishment of the new College and narrated that the present batch registered 2nd year and shortly the freshers (2024-25 batch) will join the college. The address also highlighted that in view the admission of the freshers the workshop was organised to create awareness among most important and serious issues in students life (ragging and other crucialaspects like Cyber Crime, She Teams & Drug Addiction). The chief guest Sri. L. Jeevan Reddy, DSP created awareness about anti-ragging among the staff and students andalso stressed that if students indulge in ragging in college, there will be stringent action apart from ruining their bright future.The speaker also shared personal experiences, apart from playing impactful videos and case studies,explained about the Telangana Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1997 (Act no. 26 of 1997) and informed the students regarding punishments against ragging.He also stated that students involved in ragging incidents that causes death or abets suicide shall be punished with imprisonment for life or for a term which may extend up to ten years in addition to a fine of upto fifty thousand rupees. Further, also stressed that if any student gets filed with a FIR, he/she will not be entitled for any government job and the same shall even be rejected for passport.In addition alsoaddressed on certain key issues (drugs, stringent measures against use of drugs) and urged students to be cautious about the fake apps and report any fraudulent cases to the police immediately. Smt. Susheela, She Teams Incharge, Adilabad district created awarenesson the creation of SHE Teams and informed the students to make use of the services of SHE Team for their self-defence by dialling 100 or 8712659953 (She Teams Adilabad) helpline number or TSAP mobile app that need to be downloaded and used by all on their respective smart phones. Speaking on behalf of Cyber Crime Department, Adilabad, Y. Santosh and M.A. Riyaz pointed out the ill-effects of cybercrime in the present scenario and suggested measures to prevent it. They also advised not to respond to any messages or links from unknown numbers and not to share one’s UPI address, password, ATM PIN with anyone, including Phone Pay and Google Pay. M.A. Riyaz clearly explained regarding various types of cyber crimes with live examples witnessed by them during discharging duties by audio and video recording in virtual mode with live examples and also stressed upon measures and care to be taken to avoid cyber crime. Further, emphasized the participants about various apps (do’s and donts’) and counselled them to be goal oriented and stressed upon the importance of family, family support apart from moral values and ethics in life. As part of the programme, Dr. Sridhar Chauhan had given concluding remarks by emphasizing the university regulations on Anti- ragging and Surveillance mechanism against ragging. A total of 25 B. Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture students, have attended the programme along with Dr. M. Suresh, OISA, Dr. B. Rajeswari, Professor (Plant Pathology), Dr. A. Anitha, Associate Professor (Ento.) and other teaching and Non- teachingstaff of Agricultural College, Adilabad and Police department officials of Adilabad were participated in the event. The programme ended with vote of thanks by Dr. M. Suresh, OISA, Agricultural College, Adilabad.