Agricultural Research Station, Karimnagar organized Awareness cum Training Programme on Integrated Pest Management Practices in Major crops and Soil Analysis based Fertilizer Demonstrations on 25th August, 2021 at Adopted Village Perkapally of Saidapur Mandal

Agricultural Research Station, Karimnagar organized Awareness cum Training Programme on Integrated Pest Management Practices in Major crops and Soil Analysis based Fertilizer Demonstrations on 25th August, 2021 at Adopted Village Perkapally of Saidapur Mandal

Awareness cum Training Programme on Integrated Pest Management Practices in Major crops and Soil Analysis based Fertilizer Demonstrations was organized on 25th August, 2021 at Adopted Village Perkapally of Saidapur Mandal by Agricultural Research Station, Karimnagar. Dr.G.Usharani, Scientist (Pl.Br.) and Adopted Village Incharge welcomed the dignitaries on to the dias. Dr.G.Manjulatha, Principal Scientist (Agro.) and Head chaired the session and sensitized the farmers on the essentiality of Soil Analysis based fertilizer demonstrations. Later, Dr. A.Vijaya Bhaskar, Senior Scientist (Path.) detailed the integrated pest management approaches in major crops of the village like paddy, cotton, maize, redgram, etc. The Soil Health Card of Sri. Chintam Yadagiri was examined and found that Zinc was low in the field and the crop showed the deficiency symptoms of zinc, hence spraying of Zinc was demonstrated in the field. Also, Field diagnostic visits were made in paddy, maize, redgram, etc. and the need based suggestions pertaining to the concerned pest/disease were given to the farmers. Around 50 progressive farmers participated in the programme following the covid guidelines.