Awareness cum method demonstration programme was conducted in the farmer’s field of Sri. Potharaju Srinivas in an acreage of 1 acre for the first time in the adopted village of Agricultural Research Station, Karimnagar at Perkapally of Saidapur mandal of Karimnagar District on 28th July, 2020. The Modified Mat Nursery on polythene sheet was sown on 29th June, 2020. After few days, the nursery was ready for transplanting which is being taken up by machine transplanting. The Principal Scientist (Agro.) and Head, Dr. G.Manjulatha, DAATTC Centre Coordinator Sr. K.Shekar and Scientist (Pl.Br.) - Adopted Village Incharge, Dr.G.Usharani and around 30 farmers participated in the programme. Scientists emphasized on mechanization in rice and explained the benefits of it to overcome the labour problem. Producing healthy young seedlings and mechanism of transplanting in an easier manner by just transporting the seedling mats to the main fields where seedlings are easily separated and transplanted at the right time with less cost was exhibited to the farmers. The number of hills per square metre with MSRI as compared to the traditional practice was shown to the farmers with a quadrant by taking count. The farmers of the village have shown keen interest in the further spread of the new technology demonstrated in the adopted village. The programme was organized by following safety measures on Covid-19.