Ms. Prathima Singh ji, Assistant Collector (U/T), Trainee IAS, Nalgonda District visited KVK, Kampasagar at evening on 17.8.2020 and interacted with Dr.M.A. Aariff Khan, Programme Coordinator and Scientists. The Programme Coordinator explained about the mandate and all activities of KVK. As part of studying and visiting Agricultural institutions the Trainee IAS, Madam interestingly enquired the main objectives of KVK, Kampasagar, problems faceing by NSP Left Command area and rainifed farmers, various ongoing activities and Programmes at On campus and Off campus by KVK, Kampasagar. Finally briefed the impact of KVK on transfer of technology in main crops Rice, Cotton, Redgram, Citrus, introduction of new improved varieties, implementation of Tribal Sub Plan (TSP), Schedule Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) and establishment of micro enterprises by rural youth and women benefited by different projects and schemes. Later the Trainee IAS visited all Demo units, Information Center, Soil Testing Laboratory, Training halls and displayed photo exhibition.