Audio Conference with the farmers of Kumram Bheem Asifabad (Aspirational) District on 28-08-2020 by KVK, Bellampalli

Audio Conference with the farmers of Kumram Bheem Asifabad (Aspirational) District on 28-08-2020 by KVK, Bellampalli

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bellampalli, Mancherial organized a Audio Conference in collaboration with Reliance Foundation on 28.08.2020 to the KB Asifabad district farmers (Ankuspur, Burguda, Chirrakunta, Dadpapur, Ellaram, Vepalapati, Koutaguda, Mouthaguda, Ippalanavgaon, Persanambal villages). During the Audio Conference Interacted with the farmers and Dr. Rajeshwar Naik, Programme Coordinator, KVK Bellampalli Mancherial, suggested the ameliorating measures in view of keeping the effect of last week heavy rainfall as follows.

  • Make the channels to drain out excess water in fields.
  • Heavy rains may causes the wilt in cotton crop. To control, drench with the copper oxy chloride @ 30 g + plantomycin @ 2 g per 10 litre of water.
  • The Prevailing weather conditions are favourable for pest & diseases in cotton crop. To control, spray Acephate @ 1.5 g +lgr carbendazim per litre of water is recommended.
  • The prevailing conditions are favourable for leaf spot disease in cotton. To control spray carbendazim + mancozeb @ 2.5 g / lit or propiconozole @ 1ml /lit of water is recommended.
  • Prevailing weather conditions are congenial for the incidence of sucking pests in cotton. To prevent the pests apply monocrotophos and water in 1:4 ratio (or) imidachloprid and water in 1:20 ratio with a soft brush on tender part of the stem for 30 days old crop.
  • Application 25 kg urea & 10 kg MOP per acre after 40 days sowing as top dressing.
  • Prevailing weather conditions are favourable for Bacterial Blight in paddy. To stop the apply of Nitrogenous fertilizers to crop temporarily. In early stage to control the spreading of disease to spray copper oxy chloride @ 3 g + Plantomycine @ 0.2 g per litre of water.
  • In nursery if hispa damage observed. To control, spray profenophos @ 2ml /lit water is recommended.
  • Take up transplanting of rice in east west direction with 20 cm alleyway at 2 cm interval to minimize the incidence of BPH during crop season.
  • Prevailing weather conditions are favourable for stemborer in paddy. To control apply of carbofuron 3 G@ 10 kg or cartap hydrochloride @ 8 kg/acre
  • Raise the nursery bed and sow the seeds in a row at a distance of 10 cm.
  • Provide adequate drainage.
  • Treat the seed with Imidachloprid @ 5g and Captan 3g per kg seed to prevent the incidence of seedling pests and leaf spot disease in nursery.
  • Incidence of early blight is noticed in tomato crop. To control spray pyraclostrobin @ 1 g/lit of water.

In this Audio Conference, A. Nagaraju, SMS (Plant Protection) and Veerabadram, Organizer, Jayawardhan, Organizer (Reliance Foundation) and 35 numbers of farmers were attended.