Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bellampalli, Mancherial District has organized Audio conference in collaboration with the Reliance Foundation on “Summer Ploughing and its Importance”. In this audio conference, 35 farmers from different villages like Ankusapoor, Kosara, Panchavalli and Chinthalamanepalli (Aspirational District Kumrumbheem Asifabad) clarified their doubts with experts of KVK, Bellampalli on 09.04.2021. Dr. M. Rajeshwar Naik, Programme Coordinator and Senior Scientist, KVK, Bellampalli addressed the farmers on the importance and advantages of summer deep ploughing in relation to management of major weeds, insect, pest and diseases in major crops of KB Asifabad districts. Further, Dr. Shivakrishna Kota, SMS (Agricultural Extension) addressed the farmers about different available ICT technologies in agriculture for transfer of technology timely and accurate information to improve their knowledge towards new innovations in agriculture, Sri. A. Nagaraju SMS (Plant Protection) interacted with farmers and cleared their doubts about different pest management practices of major crops. Later, Dr. I. Thirupathi, SMS (Crop Production) explained about importance of soil testing and green manuring and Dr. B. Sathish Kumar SMS (Agrometeorology) explained weather based Agromet Advisory Services.For this particular audio conference, Dr. Shivakrishna Kota, SMS (Agricultural Extension), Sri. A. Nagaraju, SMS (Plant Protection), Dr. I. Thirupathi, SMS (Crop Production) and Dr. B. Sathish Kumar SMS (Agrometeorology) and Sri.Veerabhadram, Coordinator, Reliance foundation, KB Asifabad were attended.