Awareness workshop on High Density Planting System(HDPS) in cotton to KVK and DAATTC Scientist on 22-06-2022 at University Auditorium, PJTSAU, Hyderabad

Awareness workshop on High Density Planting System(HDPS) in cotton to KVK and DAATTC Scientist on 22-06-2022 at University Auditorium, PJTSAU, Hyderabad

The demonstration cum awareness workshop on High Density Planting System(HDPS) in cotton to the KVK & DAATTC Coordinators & Scientists was organised at the University Auditorium on 22nd June 2022. Dr. V. Praveen Rao, Vice Chancellor, PJTSAU had inaugurated the planter near the auditorium, later he spoke on the occasion. There is a high need for high density plantation in the cotton crop and enable mechanisation in planting & picking of the cotton, said VC. The Public Private Partnership (PPP) model has yielded good results in the agriculture sector for rendering better services to the farmers, he added. Through this present initiative private seed companies, agricultural scientists and the agricultural department staff have put joint efforts to implement and encourage the farmers to take up the high density planting in cotton crops, says Dr. V. Praveen Rao. VC said that, based on the feedback received from this initiative further it has been implemented in an effective manner and included other crops to be planted through this method. Before conducting the awareness workshop, a ceremonial transfer of vacuum planters (10 units) to the PJTSAU was held near the auditorium. Dr. R. Jagadeeshwar, Director of Research, PJTSAU, Dr Sudha Rani, Director of Extension, PJTSAU, Dr Seema, Member, Board of Management Committee & Dean of Agriculture, PJTSAU, representatives of seed companies, officers from department of Agriculture, and Coordinators of the DAATTC's & KVK were attended the program and the company representatives have explained about the functioning of the planter to the scientists and clear the queries raised by the scientists on the utilisation of the high density planter in cotton.