Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Palem organized one day awareness programme on "Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management in Agricultural Sector" in collaboration with Telangana State Renewable Energy Development Corporation Ltd., (TSREDCO) at RARS Auditorium, Palem, Nagarkurnool District on 19.02.2020. Dr. T. Prabhakar Reddy, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Palem welcomed the dignitaries on to the dias by offering a bouquets and briefed about the importance of the energy conservation in agriculture sector. Dr.K.Avil Kumar, Associate Director of Research, RARS, Palem has explained to farmers about the need of energy & water saving in agriculture pumping and mentioned about importance of utilization of the energy sources available to the farming community. He also explained about water saving cultivation methods viz., aerobic paddy cultivation, alternate wetting and drying in paddy, contour cultivation, micro irrigation technologies etc., through audio visual aids. Dr.P.Raghurami Reddy, Associate Dean, Agricultural College, Palem added that 21 million agricultural pump sets connected to the power in India, irrigation becomes a substantial cost in agriculture. The sector constitutes around 18.5% of India’s total energy consumption. This power consumption is expected to rise in the years to come which must be matched by energy efficiency. Dr.M.N.Reddy, Former Director, MANAGE and Advisor to PRDIS mentioned about usage and wastage of the available renewable resources in the nature and suggested to conduct awareness programmes on energy conservation frequently for the benefit of the farming community. Sri.Narayana Raju, Faculty member of PCRA spoke about energy saving potential by adopting star rated pumps in agriculture. He explained the need of usage of star rated energy efficient pump for increasing the efficiency of energy. Sri.Venkateshwarlu, ADA Incharge, Nagarkurnool stressed about the importance of electrical energy for irrigation requirements in India. Sri.T.Venu Gopal, District Manager, TSREDCO, Mahaboobnagar District stressed about Energy Consumption scenario in agriculture sector and explained about energy conservation schemes implementing in Telangana State. He also spoke about important activities carried out by TSREDCO in energy conservation. Smt. Rama Devi, Asst. Hydro Geologist, Ground Water Department, Nagarkurnool spoke about ground water status of Telangana and mentioned about water harvesting technologies. Mr.S.Mastanaiah, Scientist (Agril. Engg.) stressed about agriculture demand side management. In this program stalls were laid and exhibited various models like pumpsets, solar items, PCRA materials, motors, rain water harvesting cum energy production unit, bio gas plant production unit, solar energy production through barren land, erection of information charts on energy efficiency in agriculture and displayed material & literature for showcasing the technologies to the farmers. A total of 432 stake holders, Department Officials, RAWEP students were participated in the programme.