Awareness programme on management of rabi paddy nurseries was conducted by Agricultural College, Warangal at Damera village, in farmer’s field on 11-12-2020. Dr.T.Ramesh, Associate Dean, briefed about rabi varieties of paddy and their characters. Dr.J.Kamalakar, Assistant Professor(SSAC) explained about cold injury management in nursery and fertilizer schedule to be followed in rabi. Dr.Ch.Anusha, Assistant Professor(ENTO) explained about the plant protection measures to be followed in nursery and advised farmers to apply carbofuran 3G granules @ 800g per 2 guntas, one week after sowing and one week before transplantation for control of pests. As an alternative to MTU1010 farmers were advised to take up the popular university variety KNM 118. In this programme, Progressive farmers and village adoption team members have participated.