Awareness programme on Lymphatic Filariasis on 28.04.2024 at KVK, Wyra

Awareness programme on Lymphatic Filariasis on 28.04.2024 at KVK, Wyra

Lymphatic filariasis (LF) also known as elephantiasis is a painful and disfiguring disease caused by filarial worms which are microscopic in nature. It is transmitted to human beings through infected mosquito bites that deposit the larvae on the skin which later migrate to the lymphatic vessels in the body developing into adult worms. This disease can impair the lymphatic system causing abnormal enlargement of body parts leading to pain, disability and associated social stigma. Most people infected with LF never show any symptoms and it was once thought to affect only adults but now appears that most infections are acquired during childhood. The commonly observed symptoms include:

  • Lymphedema which is swelling in the arms, legs, breasts or genitalia
  • Hydrocele is the swelling of the scrotal sac
  • Skin changes include hardening or thickening of skin, redness, warmth or tenderness
  • Respiratory issues like persistent coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath
  • Other symptoms can be cardiovascular problems like high blood pressure, increased heart rate or rhythm problems, chest pain or pain or tingling in the hands or feet

LF is major public health problem in India since 6th century B.C. It is estimated that India has around 40.0% of the global LF burden with 272 endemic districts and nearly 670.0 million people are at risk. LF can cause lifelong disability, stigma, psychological suffering, social deprivation and major impediment to socioeconomic development as a major factor of perpetuating poverty in affected communities. The recent estimates have shown that out of the 29 states and 9 union territories in India for which surveys was carried out, 22 were found endemic for filariasis. In view of the current scenario, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Wyra has organised an awareness programme on Lymphatic Filariasis on 28.08.2024 for district farmers and students. It was participated by Dr K. Ravi Kumar, Programme Coordinator (FAC) and scientists Dr Jessie Suneetha. W, Dr. V. Chaitanya and Mrs. P.S.M Phanisri along with Mrs. T. Karunasree, ADA, Wyra, Mr. T. Ranapratap, REAC member PJTSAU and Mr. S. Johnson, Health Extension Officer, Wyra as resource person. The participants actively participated in discussion on preventive measures to be taken up.