Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahostav at Agricultural College Aswaraopet on 12-03-2021

Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahostav at Agricultural College Aswaraopet on 12-03-2021

In Agricultural College Aswaraopet, Azadi ka Amrit Mahostav has been conducted to honor the freedom fighters on 12-03-2021 as the government has taken a initiative and decided to celebrate nationwide Azadi ka Amrit Mahostav to commemorate 75 years of Indian independence in a befitting manner as per the scheduled drawn by centre over 75 weeks from 12th March to 15th August. The Associate Dean incharge, Dr.I.V.Srinivas Reddy enlighten the students about the freedom fighters braveness, determination and their sacrifice. Further, he also applaud the them for visionary leadership qualities, invaluable role during freedom fighting. Dr.K.G.K. Murthy, Associate Professor, Dept. of GPBR also shared views on freedom fighter and prayed tributes to all brave hearts sacrified their lives during freedom. NSS P.O Dr.M.Ramprasad gave inspirational words to the students on this occasion. Later few of students spoken about programme. Further, rally was conducted with students and faculty as a token of respect for freedom fighter. The students and teaching staff also expressed their words. The event is organized by NSS P.Os Dr.M.Ramprasad and Smt.D.Sravanthi. The programme is been made success by the participation of Teaching faculty and students.