Dr. Babu Jagjivan Ram’s was instrumental in the foundation of the all India Depressed classes League which fights for the untouchables and he also one of the pioneers of Rural Labour movement. In remembrance of his contributions to India, Dr.Babu Jagjivan Ram’s Birth day was celebrated at College of Community Science, Saifabad, Hyderabad on 5th April, 2021 at 10.00 a.m. Dr.D.Ratna Kumari, Dean, Faculty of Community Science, heads of the departments, teaching and non-teaching staff along with UG final year students in the campus offered floral tributes to Dr.Babu Jagjivan Ram. All UG first year, second year and third year students who are off campus also offered floral tributes to Dr. Babu Jagjivan Ram from their respective places on 5th April 2021. Dr.P.Sreedevi, Officer incharge of student activities coordinated with staff and students for conduct of the programme. All the staff and students remembered his valuable contributions to the nation. Safety measures were taken throughout the programme.